Here's a few cold calling tips:
1. Be sincere.
2. Offer value. When you believe in your product/service your conviction is conveyed to the person on the other end of the phone.
3. Demonstrate your credibility by asking intelligent questions to uncover needs. Listen to your prospect. Prospects buy when the see there is a cost effective solution to their problem.
4. Design an effective call script. A good sales script engages prospects quickly in a meaningful dialogue.
5. Listen for the big picture, not for a pause where you can interject a feature or benefit about your product.
6. Have a conversation with your prospect vs. talking at them. Inquire about her business and areas of frustration.
7. In your first introductory sentences offer one or two benefits. Every prospect cares about WIIFM? (What’s in it for me?) If you do these seven things a prospect is more likely to listen to you.
Asking intelligent questions is the fastest way to establish rapport. Prospects have problems and they want their problems solved. You're one of the good guys! Don't 'sell' to anyone unless you've qualified him or her. If someone does not qualify, (meaning they don’t have a need or the money to buy) don't push. I know scores of sales trainers advise otherwise, but if you're in sales for the long haul, make your life enjoyable by selling to people who want to buy and are ready to buy.
When you walk away from a prospect because they really don't need or want what you're selling, do so with grace. Not turning off a prospect leaves a positive, or neutral feeling with prospects about dealing with sales people. Leave the door open for a change of heart down the road should circumstances change.
As an Executive Recruiter, I ask support staff of the business owners or VP's to help me find decision makers. In today's world I leave messages and get calls returned when a potential client has a need. Don't waste a decision maker's time. Messages should be to the point: "My name is Cinderella and I'm an Executive Recruiter who specializes in mortgage banking placements. I have clients in the area and if you're looking to expand your operation or have hiring needs, call me at (my number)."
I get several calls a week from messages. When someone returns a call I know they have a need and jump into a conversation that will define their search requirements.
Expect to make sales. Cold calling is a task and sometimes it's tedious. Make a plan and develop your skills. Determine whether there's a need and manage the conversation in a way that leads without offending. Recognize the difference between a true objection and an objection that's masking a buying signal. Selling is strategic. Interacting with customers takes practice. The more you practice the better your closing ratio!
Accept cold calling as a fact of life. Reconcile the tedium with the excitement. 4 - 5 meaningful conversations an hour will increase production. Keep track of your calls, your conversations, your sales, and your pipeline.
If you have call reluctance or any anxiety related to cold calling, there's help. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) works perfectly to get rid of negative emotional patterns held within our bodies. EFT is being used effectively to eliminate pain, anxiety, depression, fears, addictions, and heal traumatic events. Neutralize cold call fears with EFT.
If cold calls are part of your professional life, enjoy the process. Allow your prospect to 'buy'. Let them decide they cannot live without your product or service by presenting value, asking questions, describing benefits, and listening. Sell them what they want to buy.
Kimberly Schenk is the author of, 'Top Recruiter Secrets' and 'Cold Call Therapy'